Going green refers to all aspects of environmentally-friendly products from fashion to buildings to the movement as a whole.

The Go Green Campaign is helping to educate students, teachers and parents to be more environmentally conscious. As more schools go green, more students are being given the opportunity to learn firsthand about their impact on the world.

Green Homes are More Durable

When you create an eco-friendly home, you are creating a more durable home. Recycled products have the tendency to last over five times longer than traditional materials. This also means that you will save more money when it comes to maintaining your home.

Improves Air Quality

Using all-natural products makes you a healthier person. When you are healthy, you are also naturally more productive in the workplace.

Ensures Better Future for Your Kid

If you want to create a better environment for your child, it is high time you go green. By choosing to follow the sustainable route, you are creating a cleaner and brighter future for your children and generations after.


Categories of 'Go Green' Initiative




Reduce waste generation from the start by bringing your own shopping bags, using products that can be used repeatedly.



Reuse materials that can and are safe to be reused, one of them is by making handicrafts or through the upcycling process.



Recycle waste by melting, chopping to be re-formed into new products that most likely to experience a decline in quality.


Strategies to promote 'Go Green' awareness


Save water

Only use as much water as you need, saving both water and the energy needed to heat it when it comes to cups of tea and baths etc.


Purchase Recycled Paper

There are various options of recycled paper you can buy for cutting down on required resources for those items you are not printing.


Pay all of your bills online

This will not only save you time but will also help to reduce paper wastage.

Other campaign Strategies to promote 'Go Green' awareness

Get your employees involved in your sustainability initiatives. Ask for employee input and set sustainability goals together. Celebrate your environmental impact as a team. Allow employees to form committees for brainstorming strategies and measuring successes.
Consider using alternative energy whenever possible. Solar, wind, hydropower and geothermal energy sourcing have positive impacts on the environment.
Evaluate your suppliers and vendors. Do they focus on sustainability? Do they recycle? Do they support green initiatives? If not, consider how supporting those businesses might impact the environment.

Short Interview Video

Included with two students and a teacher about the 'Go Green' Campaign

  • 2 students
  • 1 teacher